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New Church Contract PDF Print
Written by Website Admin   
Thursday, 28 May 2009

“He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the Church which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all”  (Ephesians 1:22, 23).
“Through wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established” (Proverbs 24:2).
Our Dearest Congregation  members,
Through the supplications of the Holy Virgin Mary the mother of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the patron saints of our church St Mina and St Abanoub and your prayers, it is with great pleasure to announce that at the Board of Deacons meeting held on Sunday May 24, 2009, Fr.  Angilos and the members of the board signed the contract for our new church submitted by  Bruns,  General Contractors, Inc.  We are pleased to inform you that the building committee was able to negotiate the price of the largest building area  (11,336 sq ft) that was initially offered  at $1,375,000 to bring it down to about 1.2 million.  The final contract was obtained after going through several revisions through a lawyer. It is expected that the work will start next month and is expected to be completed by end of February 2010.  By keeping the new church in your daily prayers, we will be able to celebrate the Nativity feast in our new church.


O Lord, the Divine Architect, Creator of everything;
The Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Cornerstone of our Faith, Lover of us all;
The Spirit of Wisdom, Builder of community, Our Inspiration and Guide;
You call us to build up Your Kingdom. Bless us with generous hearts, open minds, greater unity, renewed vision, as we seek to build a house
for celebration and worship.
May it be a home where all are welcomed, nourished, and empowered to be Christ for others.  May it be O Lord, a place where we see steady growth of our congregation. We ask you Lord to bless the service of our church, we seek Your Face O God, for Thine is the Kingdom, Power, and Glory forever,   Amen.
Last Updated ( Monday, 04 January 2010 )
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